

Occhio D'anatra SRL publishes information on its website in order to provide a service to its customers, however it declines any responsibility for any technical or factual inaccuracies and/or typographical errors that might crop up for which it is provided immediate correction (as long as you tell us).
Occhio D'anatra SRL also reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the site whenever it deems it necessary without giving prior notice.

Occhio D'anatra SRL offers no guarantee on the compliance of the information published on its site with the laws provided by the jurisdiction of the customer's country of residence. Occhio D'anatra SRL declines all responsibility for any problems, damages or risks that the user may encounter while using the site.
Occhio D'anatra SRL guarantees that its website is protected according to international standards for the Internet.
If used correctly, the User is protected from the risk of viruses. Occhio D'anatra SRL disclaims any responsibility for any malfunctions related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.

Occhio D'anatra SRL reserves the right to amend / revise the terms and conditions contained in this legal notice, by updating it, whenever it deems it appropriate, without any obligation to give prior notice. The user is required to comply with the terms contained in this legal notice, periodically checking for updates, changes and corrections.

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